Parental Substance Use
Resources for Children, Parents and ProfessionalsBelow are several local resources for parents and young children who have experienced parental substance use-related problems:
Perinatal Outpatient Extended Group (POEG) is a program for pregnant and parenting women with a history of alcohol and/or substance use and their dependent children five and under. The programs provides family education about the risks of alcohol and other drug use during pregnancy and breast feeding by providing a safe, positive, structured drug and alcohol free learning environment with focus on the family as a unit. (805) 781-4753
Martha's Place provides comprehensive assessments for children with behavioral issues who could be eligible for County Mental Health services (Medi-Cal or sliding scale). High-risk children with a history of prenatal drug or alcohol exposure or other risk factor are also eligible for an assessment if they are enrolled in Medi-Cal. (805) 781-4948. The SLO County Prenatal Substance Use Prevention Program works with local doctors to promote the 4P's Plus tool to screen for substance use and domestic violence for all pregnant women. The programs goal is to encourage every pregnant woman to remain alcohol and substance free throughout pregnancy. (805) 781-5500. The County of San Luis Obispo Tobacco Control Program (TCP) offers free resources throughout the county to anyone interested in, or trying to quit tobacco. The TCP provides cessation classes with a trained tobacco treatment specialist, works with youth in the community to help promote policy change, participates in community wide events to promote healthier living, and much more! To receive services or participate in events, please call 805-781-5564. Specialized Support for At-Risk Pregnancy and Early Childhood
If you're working with an expectant mom who has limited access to resources, is in a high stress environment and/or may have a prenatally substance exposed infant consider referring her to one of the programs below.
![]() The Nurse Family Partnership program helps first time parents of newborns learn positive parenting skills, practice healthy behaviors and assist families in setting future goals. It provides in-home services countywide to eligible mothers, fathers, family members or friends involved in the care of the child and includes specialized assistance with low-birth weight and failure to thrive babies, difficult parent/child relations, tobacco/drug/alcohol exposure to mother or baby, and possible birth defects.
Nurse Family Partnership serves low-income, at-risk families. Expectant moms need to enroll by their 28th week of pregnancy. For more information call (805) 781-2068 or visit Healthy Families America (HFA) is an evidenced-based program for pregnant women and infants. Eligible expectant moms can enroll anytime during any pregnancy. The program supports the family until the child turns 3 years old. Referrals from CWS are accepted in reunification cases with children age birth to 2 years old. Services will continue until the child is 3 years old. To learn more about accessing the program through SLO County Public Health, call (805) 781-2068. |
Concerned about a child's development?SLO County Help Me Grow (SLO HMG) provides support with developmental screenings, identifying resources, and child development information for the families you serve. Services are free for any child ages birth through 5 years old who is a SLO County resident. Call 805-440-1878 or visit
Local special needs supportFor a list of local special needs resources and and support visit,
Need Help?
Contact an advocate or staff member at a Family Resource Center for support with non-medical needs such as food, clothing, shelter, parent education and navigating social services. A full listing of Family Resource Centers in San Luis Obispo County can be found here: |